Thursday, 12 April 2012

  1. Open Questionnaire

    1.What Gender are you?
  1. How old are you?

  1. Do you read magazines?

  1. On the front cover, does the image attract you to a magazine?

  1. Does the colour scheme attract you to the magazine?

  1. Does the magazine hold the colour scheme throughout?

  1. Do you think the colours match with the genre of the magazine?

  1. Would you say the photography on the front cover was professional?

  1. Does the contents page layout look professional?

  1. Does the photography on the contents page look professional?

  1. Is the double page feature structured well?

  1. If yes, why?


  1. Is the image in the article professional?

  1. Do you think there is a lot of improvement needed for the magazine?

  1. If yes… What could be improved?

  1. Overall do you like the magazine?

  1. If yes… why?

Closed Questionnaire
  1. What Gender are you?
Male Female
  1. How old are you?
12-14 15-18 19-25 26-30 31+
  1. Do you read magazines?
Yes No Sometimes
  1. On the front cover, does the image attract you to a magazine?
Yes No Don’t Know
  1. Does the colour scheme attract you to the magazine?
Yes No Don’t Know
  1. Does the magazine hold the colour scheme throughout?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Do you think the colours match with the genre of the magazine?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Would you say the photography on the front cover was professional?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Does the contents page layout look professional?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Does the photography on the contents page look professional?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Is the double page feature structured well?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Is the image in the article professional?
Yes ` No Don’t know
  1. Do you think the font is suitable for the magazine?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. Do you think there is a lot of improvement needed for the magazine?
Yes No Don’t know
  1. If yes… on which page?
Front cover Contents Double page feature
  1. Overall do you like the magazine?
Yes No

After i finished my Front cover, Contents and double page feature i decided to create an open and closed questionnaire to gain feedback on my work.
When starting my magazine I decided to experiment with several photos before deciding which i thought would be better. I liked quite a few of my images taken but had to choose which I thought would be best to fit the genre of my magazine.
Flat plan

View more presentations from kelseyjowink.
Flat plan

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Analysis from existing music magazines

Collected research from questionnaire

Professional Photos
When taking photos for my magazine i realised that my photos varied in quality. Many of my photos were taking well, however problems i found were: The lighten was to dark, when enlarging photos they blurred, the photo was similar to the background and didn't stand out. 

A bad photo

As you can see in the photo above, the background is far too bright having an effect on the image, the background isn't suitable and even though the image could be cut out using the magnetic lasso, the brightness reflects onto the image.Also the image is slightly blurred therefore the photo is not professional and would effect the whole magazine. 

A good photo
I think this is a good quality photo, The extreme close-up is very clear with a plain background, the image doesn't have too much going on which would immediately draw to the audiences eye.   
To gain feedback on what my target audience want i decided to create a questionnaire. I will hand these out to older teens and gain feedback to know it fits my age and genre. Once I have this I can group my results and start making a magazine suitable for this audience.  

1. What gender are you?
Male                      female
2. How old are you?
3. Do you like music?
Yes                         no
4. What’s your favourite genre of music?
5. How do you normally listen to music?
6. Do you buy magazines?
Yes                         no
7. Do you buy music magazines?
Yes                         no
8. Why?
9. who’s your favourite music band/ artist?
10. Do you go to gigs?
Yes                         no
11. If so how often?
12. What attracts you to a magazine?
13. What colours do you think are best for a music magazine?
14. How do you listen to music?
Phone                   iPod                       CD                          Radio                     television                            online
15. How often do you buy a magazine?
16. Would free gifts attract you to a magazine?
Yes                         no
17. Would you prefer to buy a magazine with new artists or well-known?
Known                  new                       both
18. Do images attract you to a magazine?
Yes                         no
19. Does the type of music you listen to influence your style?
Yes                         no
20. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. `               
It is important to think through who my magazine is going to be aimed at what genre it is going to be before I can begin. I have decided to focus on a pop magazine. Many pop magazines are aimed at young teenagers for their target audience, however I have decided to focus my magazine for older teens. I think this is a good idea as it allows less competition and has a specific aim. When thinking of a stereotypical character that would generally buy my magazine i would imagine them to dress like the people in my magazine however this isn't always the case. With my magazine being aimed at older teens this could suggest they would have more individuality and dress different however i do think they are likely to wear brighter colours which will be shown within my magazine.
Music Magazine.
For my next task i have been instructed to design; a front cover, contents page and a double page feature for a music magazine.
School magazine front cover and contents.

After a few attempts i decided to use this from cover as my final decision.
With my cover including: A larger title, a large main image, several smaller images, date, issue, website and information of whats inside i thought this was a suitable choice. My magazine follows conventions of a typical magazine and has a colour scheme and a specific layout. 
After editing the main image, changing the contrast to brighten the image and adding borders to the smaller images i decided my magazine was complete.  

i chose this to use as my contents page as it includes several images, has a large title, includes the website, has many subheadings and follows the same colour scheme as my front cover. I again chose to border my images to make them stand out and decided on this for my final contents page. 
Preliminary project
School magazine.

For the first part of our project we were instructed to focus on creating a magazine and contents for a school magazine. 
I decided to do some research into this and focus on typical conventions in both. 

Magazine front cover:
Main image
Large title
colour scheme

Contents page: 
Follow same colour scheme as Front cover
At least one image
page numbers 
typical layout